We received an email about an electrocautery unit switch repair that had this picture attached showing a broken know.

The unit was collect and we got straight to examining it. We considered a reinforced insert and glueing the shaft of the rotary encoder, but quickly ruled this out. Yes it would have been cheaper, but it would have snapped again. Most likely sooner rather than later, and also at the most inconvenient time.

With the unit opened, the front control panel board was removed to get access to the rotary encoder. The encoder was attached to the front panel with a small riser board, which first needed to be unsolder from the main panel, and then encoder unsoldered from that.

Ordering the correct part was critical as always. This rotary encoder has several variations just within 1 model with 1 manufacturer. Available from the several places, including Farnell, but as always, some smart sourcing meant a 50% saving.
Completing the repair was the reverse of the above, but not before straightening the considerable dent to the front which can be seen below.

Another electrocautery unit switch repair complete. If you have a broken electrocautery unit, please get in touch as we have extensive experience repairing them.