We fix many Wi-Fi issues and if we wrote all of them up, there would be more WI-Fi projects than all others combined, but we wanted to do at least one. We chose this as on the surface there should not have been a problem.

The homeowner worked in IT sales, so had invested in the infrastructure to wire in Access Points in central locations each floor. He had bought good quality units, but was still struggling.

He had enough and called us in on the hottest day of the year, which was interesting as much of the equipment was hosted in a very warm loft!

We don’t like the nuclear option – blitz everything and start again, as it is normally far quicker to find the problem and fix. It normally means you learn far more about what was causing the problem and how to mitigate it in the future. This was no exception and after a bit of diagnosis, it was clear that all the access points were somehow on the same IP address.

We worked through each of the units giving them a reserved IP address to prevent the issue reoccurring and left the customer extremely happy that the issue was solved after consuming hours of his time.