This ultrasonic cleaner repair came to us with very little detail, just that it was no longer turning on. We agreed a maximum figure to repair and got to work.

When a device involves holding liquids as part of normal operation, that is always the first place look. Electrics and liquids don’t mix. 

Sure enough there were signs of obvious water damage inside. We quickly ruled out anything leaking as all pipes and fittings were sound. They had to be dismantled to access the control boards, and demonstrated their soundness in being difficult to remove. The water damage was likely caused by draining the cleaner in a sink that still had the plug in.

Knowing the cause of a problem is so valuable as it can cut the the diagnosis time by 90%.

We identified a PCB fuse that had blown, which was replaced. However given the damage to the boards and swelling on a couple of the capacitors, we were sceptical about the success of the repair.

The ultrasonic cleaner now fired into life and operated normally, but when hitting start on a cleaning cycle, the fuse blew immediately. We had to admit defeat on this one. We had passed the maximum agreed repair figure and a full circuit refurb would have neared the cost of a replacement.

Whilst this ultrasonic cleaner repair was not economically viable, yours may be. Please drop us note to discuss how we could help.