We were asked to look at a digital x-ray machine repair for a local customer. Nothing was working, including the PC that it connected to.

Starting with the PC that receives the digitally scanned x-ray images, it was clear something was very wrong. After working through each PC component, the only thing left to do was stitch the motherboard with a donor PC. This brought the PC back to life, so onto the Fujifilm XG-1 Smart CR.

This was also lifeless, and after tracing the problem through, the power supply was identified as the problem. We tried changing the fuse inside the PSU, but as expected this blew immediately.

Digital X-ray Machine

The power supply was beyond economical repair, but the customer was keen to get the XG-1 working again. It was only a backup unit, but useful when the main x-ray room was tied up.

digital x-ray machine

Whilst the PSU was faulty, there was some concern that something had knocked out both the PC and the XG-1. This was likely a power spike, so what else might it have damaged in the process. For this reason, a complete XG-1 (minus the main board) was sourced. This was under a spares or repair agreement, to act as a donor machine.

Thankfully the power supply swap resolved the issue and the digital x-ray machine repair was complete. The customer now also has a ready supply of spares for the unit. There is also the option to break it for spares to sell on.

If you have a digital x-ray machine that needs repair, get in touch.